23 February 2022

Luxembourg: Prince Louis and Scarlett-Lauren Sirgue go separate ways

The Grand-Ducal Court of Lusxembourg announced today that the engagement between Prince Louis, the third son of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, has been broken:

Communiqué: Séparation du Prince Louis avec Mme Scarlett-Lauren Sirgue

"Nous avons décidé de ne pas continuer notre relation amoureuse, tout en restant profondément attachés par l’amitié et la tendresse."

Par ces mots, le Prince Louis et Madame Scarlett-Lauren Sirgue ont fait part de leur volonté de mettre un terme à leurs fiançailles.

"En réfléchissant, ensemble, sur l’engagement que nous souhaitions prendre, nous avons fini par admettre que nous avons des visions qui divergent trop. "

Le Grand-Duc et la Grande-Duchesse saluent la maturité de cette décision.

In short, the couple have decided not to continue their romantic relationship, but remain «deeply attached by friendship and tenderness». According to the statement, differences of vision (opinion) led to the decision to split. The news of the broken engagement was first carried by the magazine Point de Vue yesterday.

The engagement was announced on 6 April 2021. Although no wedding date had been announced the wedding was expected to take place this year.

Prince Louis was previously married to Tessy Antony, by whom he has two children, Prince Gabriel (b. 2006) and Prince Noah of Nassau (b. 2007). Tessy married the Swiss business man Frank Floessel on 23 July 2021 and their son Theodor was born on 26 August 2021.

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