Prince Georg Friedrich, b. Bremen 10 June 1976, is the only son of the late Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (1944-1977) and the then Princess Donata, née Countess of Castell-Rüdenhausen, and succeeded his grandfather Prince Louis Ferdinand (1907-1994) as head of the Royal House of Prussia in 1994. The last-mentioned Prince Louis Ferdinand was a grandson of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and King of Prussia (1859-1888-1918-1941), which of course means that Prince Georg Friedrich is a great-great grandson of the last Emperor. After the younger Prince Louis Ferdinand's death in 1977, his widow married (in 1991) Duke Friedrich August of Oldenburg.
After finishing his military service, Prince Georg Friedrich studied business administration at the University of Freiberg and is currently working "for a company specialized on marketing of academic innovation".
Princess Sophie of the mediatised house of Isenburg, b. Frankfurt 7 March 1978 is the fourth child of Prince Alexander of Isenburg and his wife Princess Christine, née Countess von Saurma and Baroness (Freiin) von und zu der Jeltsch.(*) This means that the Prussian head is to enter an "equal" marriage, which we don't see so often these days. Princess Sophie has according to the press release studied business administration in Freiberg and Berlin and today works for a consulting company for public benefit organisations ("gemeinnützige Organisationen") in Berlin.
The wedding is expected to take place later in 2011, probably at Potsdam.
(*) If anyone wonders, I tend to translate prepositions ("nobiliary particles"/"Adelsprädikate") like "von", "zu", "de" etc. into English for persons who belong to reigning or former reigning royal and princely houses, including mediatised houses, but not for members of noble families (like von und zu der Jeltsch).
That's good news. Thanks for posting it.