3 January 2023

Published articles and Slektshistoriewiki contributions, 2022

We have entered a new year and it's time to look back on my «achievements» as an historian and genealogist in 2022.

Published articles in 2022

  • «Biografi om Didrik «Dixe» Cappelen (1900–1970)», book review of Cappelen, Hans Arne K.T. En blid mann og tre dødsdommer. Dixe Cappelen (1900–1970), Byminner 43, Skien: Historielag, 2021, in Genealogen no. 1/2022, pp. 51–52.
  • «Slektsbok om to reisende slekter», book review of Vigardt, Kai-Samuel. En meget tallrik familie. Om slektene Torp og Bodin, Oslo: [Privat], 2019, in Genealogen no. 1/2022, pp. 53–55.
  • «Genealogisk fellesskap på Twitter», Genealogen no. 1/2022, p. 56.
  • «Kunngjøring av regelverk i Norsk Lovtidend under pandemien del II»  [«Announcing [acts and] regulations during a pandemic part II»], Lovdatas årsmelding 2021 [The Lovdata Foundation's Annual Report 2021], pp. 10–12. Published at Lovdata.no 30 June 2022.
  • «Det norske kongehuset og dronning Elizabeth II» [«The Norwegian Royal House and Queen Elizabeth II»], Genealogen no. 2/2022, pp. 4–6.
  • «Medlemstur til Finnskogen» [«Members' trip to Finnskogen»], Genealogen no. 2/2022, pp. 43–46.
Genealogen is the bi-annual newsletter (periodical) of Norsk Slektshistorisk Forening, the Norwegian Genealogical Society. In addition to the above I wrote the minutes of Norsk Slektshistorisk Forening's annual meeting, which was publishd on pp. 47–48 in no. 2/2022.


I am the editor and main administrator of Slektshistoriewiki, the Norwegian Genealogy Wiki, and besides fulfilling my duties in those roles, including editing quite a few contributions made by other wiki users, I have also written a few articles – genealogies, biographies and other articles.  Here is a survey of my most important contributions at Slektshistoriewiki during 2022:

In 2021 I published a large article about the Lorentzen shipping family of Drammen. In my article summarizing my «achievements» in 2021, I mentioned that I had also made some updates to the article about the Lorentzen family from Holmestrand, «but far more has to be done in 2022». Well, I have done some updates during 2022, something the View history part shows, but obviously it is a long-term project which I doubt will be completed in 2023. But I will make an effort of it. 

In 2022 I started to work on an article about my Hoelseth family, but it is still a lot to cover before I can finish it. Hopefully I will be able to get it published in late 2023 or early 2024. In addition to this I am involved in many genealogy projects, not all of them can be mentioned here as yet. 

I have mentioned the Cappelen project earlier. My contributions in 2020–2022 lead to an updated family tree being printed and published in late 2022. But I will continue to do research on the family and it might end up in a published book some time in the future. Among my other projects is researching and updating genealogy of the Norwegian branch of the Lowzow family, but that is also something which will take some time to finish.

I wrote 48 blog articles during 2022, compared to 41 articles in 2021. I am quite happy with that number. In some parts of 2022 I had little time to make contributions to my blog, while some events just demanded a series of articles, for instance the death of Queen Elizabeth II. I hope to write around 48–50 articles in 2023 as well, but as always I will not make any promises!

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